「まゆだまの10年 (2013~2022年)?で女性の能力強化を支援!
ダイバーシティ推進センター 総括責任者
石崎 泰樹
看護学 恩幣 宏美 先生 看護師のキャリア発達に向けてダイバーシティ?マネジメントを活かした人材開発プログラムの開発と効果検証を行っています。 |
生体情報検査科学 鬼塚 陽子 先生 |
リハビリテーション学 下田 佳央莉 先生 |
Supporting the empowerment of women with “10-year Mayudama Plan”!
Representative, Gunma University Center for Diversity and Inclusion
Yasuki Ishizaki
To achieve empowerment of women, we have been proceeding with the “Mayudama Plan” and the subsequent “Mayudama Plan Advanced”, both of which received subsidy from MEXT. The hub of campus-wide activities under these plans is our Gender Equality Office. In April 2018, the percentage of female researchers exceeded 20%, the target value of “Mayudama Plan Advanced”. For further development, we will commit ourselves to achieving the following 3 goals.
In Graduate School of Health Sciences, the percentage of women is 54% and many female researchers are active.
Hiromi Onbe, PhD, Nursing Designing and evaluation?of career development programs with diversity management approach for nurses |
Yoko Onizuka, PhD, Laboratory Science |
Kaori Shimoda, PhD, Rehabilitation |